Educational Loan

Educational Loan

The Trust assists students seeking higher education by offering them interest free loans of up to ₹10 lakhs.

Many deserving students have availed of this facility.


The process of Educational Loans from Pathare Prabhu Charities involves making an application to the Charities along with

  • Your latest educational certification
  • Admission letter from the university
  • Letter from the university stating the fee structure
  • A letter from a guarantor for repayment of loan along with their financial statements

In the event the student cannot personally apply for the loan, the application may be done by his / guardian


Charities can grant a maximum of 10 lacs in loan. This is at 0% interest.

There will be a moratorium on repayment for 6 months after completing the course.

The typical EMI is approx. 25K.

There would be legal paper work, charges of which are to be borne by the applicant.

Specific Terms and conditions will be shared with you at time of approval of application.

All disbursements are at the sole discretion of the Board of Trustees of the Pathare Prabhu Charities